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Tag: questionnaire

New survey in the field

Postcard coming through CanadaPost Admail soon to Kings, Hants, Cumberland and Colchester counties.

Very soon, people who live in multi-unit dwellings around Hants, Kings, Colchester and Cumberland county in Nova Scotia will start receiving postcards like the above from my lab. Samantha Howard is running a focused study to strengthen our understanding of how people in the region think about (and maybe use) dykelands and tidal wetlands. If you get one of these in your mailbox, and you have 8-10 minutes to spare, we would be so grateful to hear from you.

Chignecto wind survey launch

Ellen Chappell addresses her notification postcards in the SRES Hayes Room, March 25, 2018.

Ellen Chappell addresses her notification postcards in the SRES Hayes Room, March 25, 2018.

Great that research design, ethics and funding has finally lined up to allow MES candidate Ellen Chappell to get her survey of residents underway in the Chignecto area of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia (around Sackville and Amherst). This multiple-reminder survey is the first out of my lab with the general public rather than farmers. This work is affiliated with the Energy Transitions in Canada SSHRC project led by John Parkins at the University of Alberta. This week the first full survey will be sent, and we cross our fingers for a healthy response rate.

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