Thanks to Mike for sending me this wonderfully apt comic, by xkcd.

Thanks to Mike for sending me this wonderfully apt comic, by xkcd.

After an almost completely publication-free sabbatical year, it is nice to have two papers come out in the same day.  Both of these emerged from our Energy Transitions in Canada project. One is empirical, reporting on Yan Chen’s mapping of a year of Instagram images from the footprints of two hydroelectric projects.  The resulting paper, Using geo-tagged Instagram posts to reveal landscape values around current and proposed hydroelectric dams and their reservoirs, came out today in Landscape and Urban Planning.  Congratulations to Yan for her first lead authorship! As sometimes happens in the asynchronous world of publishing, papers that are building on Yan’s work have come out slightly before or at the same time. The one that same out today is Digital archives, big data and image-based culturomics for social impact assessment: Opportunities and challenges (free for 50 days), in Environmental Impact Assessment Review.  This is the one you should read if you want to know: why the comic?