As Transforming Climate Action (TCA) lines up on the runway for takeoff, Ian Stewart and I are recruiting for a Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF) to take on a lead role in our work package of TranSECT (Transformative adaptations to Social-Ecological Climate change Trajectories), one of the Large Research Projects in TCA. This is an exciting opportunity for a highly motivated PDF with broad interests in applied work on the epistemic challenges of interdisciplinary integration in social-ecological systems (SES) research. In work package WEFT (Weaving expertise for transformation), this post-doctoral research position will engage in both field work and theoretical reflection on case studies emerging within the larger research project TranSECT (Transformative adaptations to Social-Ecological Climate change Trajectories) whose focus is on studying climate change adaptations through a case-study approach in communities throughout the Maritime provinces and eastern Quebec. TranSECT is a collaboration between Dalhousie University, University of Quebec at Rimouski, and the University of Laval (see below for a diagram of the project structure). The full job ad for the role can be found here.
WEFT is the ‘reflexive’ moment within TranSECT. The successful candidate for this PDF will be inspired to dig deeper into climate change adaptation challenges at the coastal community level studied by TranSECT case studies, and be able to work alongside discipline-focused researchers across STEM, social science, health and humanities fields. They will have a drive to draw on their background in an array of disciplines and fields that support and inspire SES as boundary objects, likely using qualitative inter-and transdisciplinary methods. Relevant backgrounds could include Science and Technology Studies/History Philosophy and/or Sociology of Science, Anthropology, Human Geography, Sustainability Studies and/or Cognitive Science, but this is not an exhaustive list.
There is a two-stage application process described in the job ad. Pre-submission enquiries are welcome where potential applicants have specific questions. Review of applications will begin on Oct 1, 2024, and the successful candidate could start as early as January 2025. Open until filled.
The structure of TranSECT; WEFT is work package 5.4