Brooke with Carlene Schneider, spruiking the Advanced Grazing Systems programme at farming events in Saskatchewan.
Lots going on in and out of the lab, but not a lot of time to talk about it. Many folks are writing (final thesis/dissertation chapters and papers, comps and dissertation proposals), some are knee deep in data, and a few are in the field gathering new data. Brooke is notably literally in the field, attending farm events in Saskatchewan and Alberta with our key collaborators at the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association and Farmers for Climate Solutions to spruik the Advanced Grazing Systems program and our survey research related to it. For my part, I’ve been catching up on reading a lot of the work being produced as described above.
This coming week I am in the final stages with my colleagues and co-editors Glad Thondhlana (Rhodes) and Doug Jackson-Smith (Ohio State) of submitting to the University Press of Colorado the next 10-year review of the field of natural resource social science. These final stages are very finnicky in a volume with 15 chapters and over 50 authors, but we’re very excited how it has all turned out.
Back in June I didn’t get around to blogging about the biennial Managed Retreat Conference at Columbia University in NYC that I attended after IASNR. I presented on the social science synthesis for ResNet’s Landscape 1 (Bay of Fundy Dykelands). It was a great source of state-of-the art thinking, with highlights including Linda Shi, Jamie Vanucchi and Shanasia Sylman (all Cornell), Carolien Kraan (University of Miami), Lieke Brackel (Delft), John Nelson (RISD), Kensuke Otsuyama (Tokyo), AR Siders (Delaware) and Shaieree Cottar (Waterloo).
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