My final term project was on display in the NSCAD photography department for a week.

I always try to do some training during sabbatical, and this winter I took a digital photography course at NSCAD. This was designed to get me more familiar with handling and editing photographs in advance of some repeat photography work in Australia this summer. The class was a wonderful group of folks from a range of backgrounds, and we each tackled a final project that was displayed in the photography department for the week (see above).

My project was repeat photography of images I found in the Halifax Municipal Archives, allowing me to learn to combine old and new photographs from familiar sites around the city (see below for an example). The whole set can be found here. Thanks to Elena Cremonese at the Archives, and Rob Allen at NSCAD, for their support of this work. Also thanks to those of you on LinkedIn who answered the call when I couldn’t identify one of the photo sites.

Intersection of North and Chebucto, now and sometime maybe in the 60s? (Archival image 102-39-1-1276, Halifax Municipal Archives)