Two things are out from the lab this week on topics coastal.
Keahna Margeson, IDPhD student and 2023 OpenThink cohort member, had a commentary published in the Conversation called Let coastlines be coastlines: how nature-based approaches can protect Canada’s coasts. It is a great read!
The release of the report on last year’s scenario planning workshop for the Bay of Fundy coast was covered in DalNews. The report, Envisioning Environmental Futures for the Tidal Wetlands and Dykelands of the Bay of Fundy, is led by Elson Galang, the PhD student at McGill who led the workshop, but with lots of lab folks in the mix, including Keahna, Lara Cornejo, and Polly Nguyen.
Two reports have also been uploaded to Borealis based on ResNet work by team members. These works set strong groundwork for others to build on.
- MREM Patrick James and PDF Lara Cornejo published Understanding ecosystem service impacts of tidal wetlands after managed dyke realignment through causal loop diagrams based on Patrick’s summer internship with ResNet funded by the OFI Seed Fund.
- Visiting PhD student Qiqi Zhao and PDF Lara Cornejo also published a short report with me and Ag Campus prof Paul Manning based on her work mining eBird and iNaturalist for insight around biodiversity in dykelands and tidal wetlands: Biodiversity in the Bay of Fundy Dykelands: Insights from Citizen Science Data.