Landscapes - People - Global change

Month: January 2024

Opening Windows book done!

The final cover design.

It is exciting to be able to report that the edited volume that I’ve been working on since late 2020 with colleagues Glad Thondhlana and Doug Jackson-Smith will be coming out in a few months, part of the SNR Book Series published by Utah State University Press/University Press of Colorado. The book is the third in a series of decadal reviews of the field of natural resource social sciences (NRSS) (after this one in 2004, and this one in 2014) undertaken with the leadership of the International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR). It is called Opening Windows: Embracing New Perspectives and Practices in Natural Resource Social Sciences, and features 15 chapters from dozens of authors around the world, including a number from Dalhousie (MES alum Bryanne Lamoureux, PhD candidate Yan Chen, MREM alum Polly Nguyen and my SRES colleague Melanie Zurba). The Dal team wrote a very cool synthesis of visual and arts-based methods for NRSS that included a typology and analysis of which methods were most associated with outcomes of empowerment. It was an honour to be asked to take the lead in developing this book, and I’m very excited to see it all come to a successful and on-time completion. There will be a book launch at the IASNR conference this June in Cairns, Australia, at which all registrants will receive e-book versions. I’ll be the one with a very big drink.

Feb 8 update: It’s off to the printer today!

Feb 23 update: Pre-orders are discounted -40% until May using the code SHER24 at

Feature in DalNews

Me on the Northumberland Shore

DalNews published a nice profile of me last week, written by Andrew Riley, associated with my involvement in the big Transforming Climate Action CFREF project being led by Dalhousie, with collaboration from UQAR, Laval and Memorial. Though I’m not always comfortable with ‘big science’ of this kind, I’ve been enjoying being part of Cluster 3 of that large grant–the part focused upon Adapting Equitably–thanks to existing collaborators like Ian Stewart, Patricia Manuel, and Fanny Noisette and the many new collaborators I’m meeting along the way. We are currently in the thick of writing the official proposal before the end of March.

New Brunswick Living Lab meeting

Brooke doing her thing at the NB-LL meeting in Jan, 2024

Today’s blog post comes from PDF Brooke McWherter based on her recent trip to NB

The annual New Brunswick Living Lab (NB-LL) meeting and workshop brought together government, industry, NGO, and producer stakeholders to discuss the year’s progress in the development and running of the NB-LL. Before the start of the event, Atlantic representatives from other living labs in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and PEI, came together to discuss their progress in measuring the socio-economic impacts of the program. The different representatives highlighted the strong bond among the Atlantic provinces and their commitment to collaborating and continuing to support each other as the living labs continue to evolve and grow. At the event talks included discussions on current trials measuring the impact of various BMPs on soil health, and carbon sequestration.

Our MREM intern Patrick James presented his work, funded by the SSHRC Engage Program, examining co-production and engagement of LL producers and federal scientists. Patrick’s talk highlighted how challenging co-production can be for all sides, but also the steps members are taking to be flexible including working with farmers to collect data that doesn’t deter from their harvesting schedules. I then ran a workshop defining co-production and providing some tips for enhancing engagement moving forward which then led to developing logic models (an objective-oriented planning tool) around the five BMP foci of the program. Producers, government staff, site contractors from various watershed and conservation organizations, and industry reps discussed the outcome form the program they wanted and identified activities and capacities they may need to develop to achieve those objectives.

Patrick James (centre) with the NB Living Labs team, including FaRM Program collaborator and CFGA ED Cedric MacLeod

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