Landscapes - People - Global change

Month: June 2022

Emily at IASNR in Costa Rica

Emily Wells presents her poster at the IASNR Conference in Costa Rica, June 2022.

Though I regret not being able to attend myself this year, it is great to be getting reports from MES student Emily Wells, who is currently attending the IASNR Conference in Costa Rica. Her poster is a beauty, presenting a literature review of research by and with Indigenous people in Canada, US, Australia and New Zealand, enriched with hand-painted illustrations. She plumbs the origins of concepts within the relational values framework, such as stewardship and belonging, while extending that framework to include collective values like cultural/ancestral cohesion and a set of universal values such as inherent responsibility and reciprocal or mutual stewardship. Stay tuned for the paper, and in the meantime have a look at Emily’s blog post about her trip on the ResNet webpage.

New survey around Minas Basin on coastal climate adaptation

Samantha Howard spent the weekend preparing her first mailout for her MES survey.

If you get a envelope that looks like the above in your mail, please don’t ignore it. SRES MES student Samantha Howard (above) is now waiting eagerly for responses to her survey invitation, which will start arriving in the mailboxes of a random sample of Kings, Hants, Colchester and Cumberland county residents later this week. She is looking at how people perceive climate change impacts and two methods for adapting to those impacts: public flood risk mapping and managed dyke realignment paired with salt marsh restoration. You don’t need to be an expert on any of these, or to have lived in the region long: we are interested in all residents’ perspectives!

We will be using a multiple mailout approach to work toward a good response rate, so the envelopes above will be followed by some reminder postcards over the coming weeks. A good response rate helps us feel confident that we have heard from a representative group of people, and without that our work is much weaker. We are grateful to all those willing to give 15-25 minutes of their time to help. As a thank you, the first 100 participants can enter  a draw for one of 10 $50 gift cards from either Tim Horton’s or Irving Gas (their choice)! The rest of the participants can enter to win one of 10 $25 gift cards.

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