Landscapes - People - Global change

Month: July 2019

Yan at SMS 2019

Yan Chen presenting at Social Media and Society 2019 in Toronto

Yan Chen presenting at Social Media and Society 2019 in Toronto

Yan Chen was in Toronto again for Social Media & Society, this time presenting collaborative work that was initiated by French intern Camille Caesemaecker, from Agrocampus Ouest. This has led Yan to thinking about a new kind of landscape change using Instagram, after her hydroelectricity work: understanding perceptions of the Bay of Fundy dykelands versus the wetlands they replaced. Those dykelands are becoming ever more difficult to sustain under sea level and storm conditions associated with climate change, and some will have to be realigned and/or restored to salt marsh. This work based on four months of Instagram support the strong female pro-dykeland factor–concerned about culture and recreation–also found through Q-method a few years ago. Nice when triangulation happens.

Where is the grant shop?

By cartoon wunderkind, Eleanor Couper (10).

By cartoon wunderkind, Eleanor Couper (10).

I’m weepingly proud of this cartoon my daughter made today. This is what happens when academic Mum stays home from a family vacation to write a grant proposal. There’s a sting in it, of course, like all good comedy but it’s very funny, too. I love the conflict around female roles here. Future’s so bright…

Book shopping

Summer has been busy with grant-writing and new data collection, but Sunday I treated myself to a browse at the wonderful Bookmark independent bookstore in Halifax. This is what I bought:

New books for my office library

New books for my office library

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